Although many overlapping themes emerged from the work sessions, it was also clear that there is a range of scales and issues around fiber/broadband. On the last day of the June, 2019 work sessions, the needs and issues identified in the previous sessions were organized into  issues that should be addressed internally and needs that require external assistance.

With the help of IT consultants, Info-Tech, external tasks were organized into a draft Request for Proposals (RFP) for Regional Broadband Strategic Planning.

The draft RFP is primarily a draft Scope of Services broken into 5 Components, each with delineated Tasks with stated Goals and Expected Outcomes.


Following are the 5 Components that the RFP currently addresses:

Component 1: Facilitate Definition and Document a Cohesive Fiber Strategy

Component 2: Develop Tailored Governance and Ownership Structure Options

Component 3: Financial Feasibility Study

Component 4: Cost-Benefit & Economic Impact Analysis

Component 5: Create Appropriately tailored Communications Plans


Internal tasks include the following:


  1. Centralized comprehensive documented knowledge of existing infrastructure
    • Ownership
    • Capacity and planning
  2. Communication and Coordination within and among solution providers (Public and Private)
  3. Development of funding sources (Grants, Loans, etc.)
    • Identify funding structures
    • Identify funding sources
  4. Regulations and Legal
    • Identify current asset restrictions
    • Similar “Broadband Friendly” policy across regions


The draft RFP and inernal task summary should be reviewed (along with work session summary notes) by individuals, agencies and groups to establish their value to support next steps. The work sessions were intended to start this conversation at a broad and inclusive level.  Ideally, the results will be a springboard for partnership in pursuing formal strategic planning at any or all levels.  In its various capacities, LCOG will offer ongoing support to the process.